Working with the Tuscan heart

Tuscany embraces the sea and basks in warm winds from the Sahara. As the land climbs towards the mountains, the different soils and climates create varied growing regions. With a little sweat, we can grow almost anything. Out of this comes a passion for agriculture. The people of Tuscany have always seen wealth in terms of land, not money. I think that the attachment to the soil has shaped our character. A Tuscan is basically a very simple person: warm, poetic, passionate and homey. Here you can find people still enjoying centuries-old microcultures. Each city or town has kept its own flavour… and flavours.

Staying at Villa Delia means to experience the Tuscan hearts, the energy, the colors, the aromas and the passion that are at work in each one… staying at Villa Delia means to enjoy the Tuscan spirit of contentment and companionship.